Senin, 31 Mei 2010

Hasil Test Psikologi

My personality is Melancholy Phlegmatic

Melancholy Strength 5, Weakness 8 ... 33%

Phlegmatic Strength 7, Weakness 6
... 33%

Sanguine Strength 5, Weakness 4
... 23%

Choleric Strength 3, Weakness 2
... 13%

The Melancholic Phlegmatic

Seorang Melancholic Phlegmatic lebih rapi, lebih tersistem [prosedural] dan kurang fleksibel daripada seorang yang Phlegmatic Melancholic. Dia mungkin lebih lambat dalam mengambil proyek-proyek baru, seperti seorang melankolis yang memiliki kecenderungan sifat perfeksionis dan ketakutan untuk menghadapi situasi baru. Keegoisan yang tinggi, bersamaan dengan kecenderungan seorang melankolis terhadap hal-hal negatif, membuat mereka kesulitan untuk memberikan pujian dan sedikit berbasa-basi. Hal ini juga menyebabkan secara naluriah dia akan mengatakan "TIDAK!" saat pertama kali ia mendengar sebuat permintaan. Sehingga orang lain mungkin menganggap ini sebagai kesombongan. Unless the Melancholic Phlegmatic is very comfortable, and is surrounded by understanding long-time friends, he may find himself somewhat isolated and alone, unable to warm up in a social gathering. Ia tidak lebih kritis dari seorang melankolis murni atau Melancholic-Choleric. Namun, kecenderungan seorang Melancholic dalam berkutat pada hal-hal untuk waktu yang lama dalam pikiran mereka, dikombinasikan dengan sensitivitas seorang Phlegmatic terhadap hubungan interpersonal, dapat mengakibatkan rasa sakit yang lama, penurunan kepercaya-dirian dan penghargaan terhadap diri sendiri, dan bahkan dapat menyebabkan depresi. Extremely sensitive and possessing a longing for the ideal (melancholic), they are also highly attentive to what others need or desire, through their phlegmatic aspect. Hal ini membuat mereka lebih rentan terhadap "kecemasan dan citra diri negatif" dari biasanya.
This temperament combination is highly driven to succeed—not for success’ sake alone, but because their melancholic nature is drawn to high ideals, and their phlegmatic side will have a strong desire to please. Thus, they are capable of long-range planning, organization, and attention to detail that makes them excellent and conscientious scholars. They are capable of pursuing highly idealistic goals, usually with long-term academic requirements, such as attaining their doctorate. They value their friendships, but can spend many hours alone reading or studying. They may have a tendency to hypochondria or to genuine physical weaknesses, as well as a tendency to timidity and anxiety, especially about new activities or ventures.
One Melancholic Phlegmatic we know is highly organized, critical, slow, and dogmatically unforgiving, yet reveals her phlegmatic aspect in her intense discomfort with confrontation (unless she is very at ease among the warring members) and in her strong relationships with her friends. You wouldn’t guess that she is so devoted to her friends, however, because true to her melancholic nature she rarely initiates contact with them – they always have to call her first. A tendency to avoid the stresses of social interaction by spending overmuch time alone—whether in scholarly pursuits or reading for relaxation—is something that Melancholic Phlegmatics need to watch out for.
If your temperament is Melancholic Phlegmatic, for a better understanding of your temperament it is recommended that you read the full descriptions of the melancholic and phlegmatic.

males ngartiin, jadi seadanya aja, haha . . .
~with love~

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